Field Trip Turkey Jerky, Cracked Pepper No. 7
Natural smoke flavoring added. All natural (Minimally processed, no artificial ingredients). Gluten free. Artisan crafted provisions. No preservatives. No added MSG (Except naturally occurring in soy sauce). No nitrites. No corn syrup. Fat free. Turkey raised without hormones (Federal regulations do not permit the use of added hormones in turkey). Inspected for wholesomeness by the US Department of Agriculture. Serving Size Contains: 70 calories; 0 g fat (0%); 12 g protein (25%) of percent daily value. We began our field trip years ago on a ski slope in the northeast as three friends snacking on homemade jerky. We realized how much we enjoyed natural (Minimally processed, no artificial ingredients) jerky and knew that others would share our passion. We bought a dehydrator and started testing recipes. After an overwhelming response from our friends, it was only a matter of time before we left our jobs and started our own jerky company. We decided on the name Field Trip to represent that get out there and experience life attitude that inspired us to try something new. Field Trip handcrafted gluten free and all natural (Minimally processed, no artificial ingredients) turkey jerky is low fat with no artificial ingredients, no corn syrup, no sodium nitrites, no added MSG (Except that naturally occurring in soy sauce) and no preservatives. Cracked Pepper No. 7 has a marinade of black pepper, brown sugar and apple. We hope you love it as much as we do. Happy trails! - Tom, Scott, Matt. Learn more about our journey online at Facebook: Like us on Facebook. Try our other flavors!